We supplies a diverse range of Kitchenware to our customers. Our range includes, Stainless steel utensils, Non stick products, Juicer, Mixers, Grinders, Crockery sets, Plastic Kitchenware and many more..

We offer an unparalleled service as suppliers of coffee and tea products. Our philosophy is to build long-term relationship with our clients and we pride ourselves on offering a bespoke and customised service

We offering high quality Marine Engine Spare Parts.

we are a noteworthy supplier in this line of business. As a quality centric organization, we procure all these aforementioned products only from the leading and renowned manufacturers who make the products in accordance to the global quality standards.

Moreover, we also have a team of quality experts, who ensure that only the finest grade products reach the customers. Our quality analysts check each piece on the basis of its long functional life, cost-effectiveness, robust construction and good tensile strength.

We provide a terrific range of other frozen produce such as breads, buffet food, desserts and dairy products.

Buffet and starter products:
Pates and parfaits, crispy crumb veg and cheeses, onion rings, ethnic starters and buffet products.

Vegetarian products:
Vegetarian pates and fillings, prepared vegetarian products.

Meal accompaniments:
Sauces, Yorkshire puddings, pasta entrees & rice, Mexican products, ethnic products

Pastry Products:
Unbaked sausage rolls, hot serving pies and suet puddings, individual baked pies and pasties, individual unbaked pies and pasties, pastry and pie toppings, ready baked quiches.

Omelettes, cheese & butter products

Bread & Bakery products:
Gluten free bakery products, morning goods, restaurant breads, sandwich breads, every day breads, naan, pitta and pizza products.

Wrapped and unwrapped confectionery, chocolate bars, flapjacks, luxury muffins, loaf cakes, tray bakes, coffee and tea shop cakes.

Dessert cakes, individual desserts, sweet pies and tarts, cheesecake, traditional hot puddings, freezer to table, ice cream and sorbets, impulse ice cream and ices, ice cubes.

If you include one portion of seafood in your weekly diet, you may halve the chances of suffering a heart attack.

Prawns, crabs, squid and octopus are just as packed with vitamins, minerals and fish oils as fish like salmon or cod.

They all contain Omega-3 – a key fatty acid known to help with heart health.

Seafood averages less than 2% fat. For slimmers, seafood is all good news. All seafood is low in kilojoules, with fewer kilojoules than even the leanest meat or chicken. And of course with seafood you don't need to trim any fat. Just grill, barbecue, bake, steam, poach or microwave seafood to keep a low kilojoule count.

Cholesterol is an essential part of all living animal tissue. But levels of cholesterol can be too high if we eat too much saturated fat. Seafood has very little fat of any kind and what it does have is mostly unsaturated fat. Eating fish two or three times a week can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Seafood is an excellent source of top quality protein, and compares favourably with meat and chicken.

Seafood is an excellent source of many important minerals, including iodine, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. It is also rich in many vitamins, especially the B group.

Omega-3s are a type of polyunsaturated fat and are essential nutrients that play many critical roles in our bodies. And, just like minerals and most vitamins, our body cannot make them.

Long chain Omega-3s are found in oily fish, non-oily fish and shellfish, and to a lesser extent in meats and eggs. Long chain Omega-3s are used effectively in the body. DHA (a long chain Omega-3 fatty acid) is a major building block of the brain, and the retina in the eye is very concentrated in DHA. Other vital organs, such as the heart, are rich in long chain Omega-3s.

Research has also shown that regular consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of developing Macular Disease (MD). The MD Foundation encourages people to eat fish regularly to ensure that their intake of Omega-3s is adequate.  For information on Macular Disease

The most extensive range of frozen food products and the highest level of customer service make JB Shipping and Marine Services one of the best frozen food suppliers in the India.

As a frozen food supplier that takes great pride in the products that we provide you can rest assured that every item you order will be of the highest quality and will guarantee satisfaction every time.

Our fantastic range proves that frozen food does not have to compromise quality and every item is chosen especially for the highest possible quality and convenience for Chefs and caterers. dedication to providing high quality food has never wavered. We apply this dedication to every product we supply and that is just one of the things that make us the trusted frozen meat, poultry, dairy and frozen veg supplier of so many successful catering businesses.

We are sure that after just one order you will be happy to call us your new frozen food supplier.

You Need the Very Best Frozen Meat Supplier

As a caterer you will know that there are countless benefits to buying frozen products, and especially frozen meat and poultry, including year round availability and long term menu planning. That's why you need a frozen meat supplier with the best choice, realistic minimum order values and flexible ordering and payment methods to ensure that your kitchen can run to the best of its ability.

Just some of the frozen meat, poultry and fish range we provide is listed below. 

Meat Products:

Gourmet meat and poultry, IQF sausages, beefburgers & burgers, ribs, steak & bacon, IQF meats and poultry.

Poultry Products:

Chicken goujons, chicken dippers & chicken nuggets, uncooked poultry products, part-cooked poultry products, cooked poultry products, smoked poultry products, turkey breast, duck products.

Fish & Seafood:

Coated scampi and seafood, crustaceans & specialities, fresh frozen fish, fish steaks, IQF fish fillets, Battercrisp fish fillets, breaded fish, smoked fish, seafood starters and seafood entrees, gourmet fishcakes.

Frozen Fruit & Vegetable:

Chips, potato specialities, vegetables, pulses, herbs, fruit

If you're looking for a frozen fruit and frozen veg supplier that offers an unparalleled range, dedicated customer service and the highest quality produce then you need JB Shipping and Marine Services

Having good food for the ship crew is very important. We always make sure to supply the absolute highest quality and freshest foods available. With our years of experience in field of chandelling, we provide wide range of options for food items to be used on ship.